Meet our Instructors

I am not a teacher, but an awakener.  
~ Robert Frost ~

Susan Vollbrecht, PhD

Song Leader, Yoga Instructor, Vocal Artist, Circlesong Facilitator, & Healer. She is passionate about vocal improvisation and collaborative music making which foster an organic experience of community. She believes singing is our birthright and strong medicine for our well-being, a truly mindful practice. Susan has studied vocal improvisation and group singing from Bobby McFerrin, Rhiannon, David Worm, Joey Blake, Judy Vinar, Ysaÿe M. Barnwell, and Barbara McAfee. 

 After seeing so many of her students impacted by the stress of the pandemic, Susan earned her RYT 200 training in Spring of 2022 at Runa Yoga Studio in Duluth, MN with the goal of integrating yoga body, breath, and mindful practices into her choral rehearsals. Susan has been practicing yoga for 11 years.

Susan earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Education from the University of Wyoming and both Master and PhD degrees in Music Education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She currently serves as Choral Music Educator for Lander’s LVHS & LMS and begins her 12th year as Adjunct Professor for Ohio’s Kent State University online Master of Music Education program. She is grateful to have returned to her Wyoming roots and loves the Lander Community.

Terri Rodriguez

Terri landed in Wyoming in the summer of 2024 after visiting Lander during a spring break trip and falling in love with the snow and the sage, the sandstone and the mountain peaks, the wild horses, and especially the community. She is a Professor of Education who completed her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Wisconsin - Madison in 2007. She is the author of several books about teaching and teacher preparation for social justice. Before that, she taught middle and secondary English language arts in Georgia, Kentucky, and Puerto Rico. She is a passionate advocate for all students, no matter their age or the classroom space. As a curious yogini, Terri studies and practices meditation, sound healing, and Ayurveda and brings these concepts into her yoga classes. She completed her RYT 500 training in 2022 with Mary Beth Nehl at Yoga Loft in Willmar, Minnesota. She has been teaching at Shanti Yoga Center in St. Cloud, Minnesota, since 2022, and earned her Unnata Aerial Yoga teacher license there in 2023. Her classes focus on uniting breath with movement in the classical Ashtanga style. She also teaches aerial yoga with a lighthearted approach that builds upon and extends the practice and benefits of terrestrial yoga. Terri has been practicing yoga for over 20 years, combining the physical practice of asana as a wonderful balance to an active lifestyle involving running, biking, weight training, and hiking. In her classes, expect to stretch yourself physically while also tuning in spiritually and emotionally with breath, meditation, and restorative poses.

Suza Bedient

Suza first came to Wyoming in 1974 as a backpacking instructor at the Girl Scout National Center West, based out of Ten Sleep. By the third summer, she found a way to stay by working as a sheep herder on a nearby ranch. Wyoming never lets her get far for long. She became a professional sheep shearer in 1983, working for Dale Aagard out of Worland. This great passion kept her traveling internationally until the spring of 1991. A herniated disc caused her to shift the game. In 1992, she become a NOLS instructor and spent her early career in the all the mountain ranges of this state.

She has a BA in Comparative Anatomy & Physiology from the College of Wooster, Ohio. She attended and then became a teacher at the Port Townsend School of Massage in on the Olympic Peninsula, WA. As a therapist, her focus was Deep Tissue and Craniosacral Therapies. She started studying yoga at that time as well as various movement modalities. She is fascinated by the body’s intelligence for healing and play, and believes deeply in guiding self-discovery as the basis for the deepest healing and discovery of true freedom of movement. She has recently earned a certificate as a Science of Stretching® Coach, sponsored by YOGABODY®. In all her body and movement studies, she has never experienced so much freedom of movement as through this modality. She is incredibly excited to share the wisdom embedded in these deep release poses.

Laura Lozier

Laura is a Lander native and grew up with a background in all forms of dance including Irish and ballet.  Missing her passion for dance she first began teaching Zumba group fitness classes and has taken every opportunity to expand and bring in new classes to the community from there.  Laura is a certified Barre, Buti Yoga, TRX and cycling instructor and has been involved in group fitness for over a decade.  Laura brings a positive encouraging attitude to every class, and loves helping others.  She also works full time at the Bureau of Land Management and serves as a public information officer for the Rocky Mountain Critical Incident Management Team for wildland fire response.   Laura enjoys spending time with her family, helping her husband working on the ranch and supporting her 2 sons in sports.  She also enjoys all types of outdoor recreation including golf, skiing, backpacking, and mountain biking, and loves a tropical beach whenever possible!

Liz Davis, MA

Liz is a former professional dancer who received her masters degree in exercise science from the University of Arizona and has been teaching in the fitness and wellness industry for over 40 years. She was a personal trainer and instructor trainer at the Canyon Ranch Health Resorts in Arizona and Massachusetts. Director of fitness centers for federal employees at several government agencies, director and owner of Teton Pilates and a teacher trainer at several Yoga Alliance certifications. She is a certified Postural Alignment Specialist level 2 from Egoscue University, certified Foundation Training instructor and over the years has held certifications from the American College of Sports Medicine, National Strength and Conditioning Association and the American Council on Exercise. She continues to participate in professional training, including extensive study with Thomas Myers in human dissection. Her unique approach of combining Pilates, Postural Therapy and Foundation Training gives her a wealth of tools to help clients restore their movement potential and quality of life.

Kyle Trumble

Kyle is the CVO (Chief Ventilation Officer) at Odin’s Lab, a bespoke breathwork boutique, helping people live better lives through better breathing.  He initially discovered breathwork through yoga but was skeptical, assuming that physical movement was the most important part of the practice.  After taking a deep dive into the diaphragm to help overcome a difficult stage in his life he discovered the benefits of breathwork and has developed a passion for teaching and learning the biomechanics and biochemistry of breathing.  Kyle is a certified functional and performance breath coach by the Oxygen Advantage and XPT and has completed coursework through Shift/Adapt.

Kelsey Ball

Kelsey has officially been practicing for half her life! She first found yoga when she was 15 as a means to heal an injury mid-track season in high school. Yoga was a way to maintaining strength and balance. She found Yoga again in college to complement training for climbing competitions, and as a way to focus her mind and manage stress during exams. Her practice took hold when she began to lead outdoor, nature-based classes & retreats through her University Outdoor Center. She finds many benefits to a practice, but views unifying community as Yoga's greatest gift. She has taught for a total of 6 years in a variety of class styles from Restorative, to Power Vinyasa, which allow accessibility to many different ability levels. Her base style is Anusara, which celebrates life and alignment with nature, and encourages her to walk in beauty.

Evan Horn

Evan is passionate about finding ways to increase mobility and decrease pain. As a lifelong learner, he has been drawn to yoga (200hr YTT 2019), massage therapy (LMT since 2018), self myofascial release (Yoga TuneUp certified since 2020), and bodyweight mobility and calisthenics. While he enjoys traditional yoga, his teaching focus has gravitated to self myofascial release, inspired by Jill Miller from TuneUp Fitness. Evan looks forward to sharing the restorative practices he has learned with the Lander community, and helping people find comfort and ease in their bodies. 

Mary Boscamp

Mary  studied and received a 200 hour teacher training certificate with Nancy Ruby of Yoga Motion in Bozeman, Montana in 2019. She taught Yin, Restorative and 12 Poses for Strong Bones for two years at Your Yoga Studio in Bozeman and then on Zoom during Covid-19 for a year before coming back to settle in Lander, Wyoming. Mary also enjoyed studying with Erich Schiffman and his Freedom Yoga style at the Feathered Pipe Ranch in Helena Montana for three summers, and Paul and Susie Grilley receiving a certificate to teach Yin yoga in 2017.

In retirement Mary enjoys having more time for painting, gardening, grandkids and the ability to get back to yoga.

Maggie Gowen

Maggie moved to Lander in 2000 from Oklahoma to teach high school science.  She earned a Masters degree in Science Education from UW.  After retiring in 2015, she completed her RYT 200 hour certification through Yoga Alliance.  Being a teacher at heart, Maggie was drawn to teach yoga because it has transformed her life.  Being part of a community that yoga creates is unlike any other.  Maggie loves to share ideas. She encourage students to find their true bodies through movement and breath. Providing students the opportunity to surrender, finding the true power of yoga as they begin their transformation journey.

Maggie enjoys spending time with her family, dabbling in many art mediums, hunting, fishing, cooking, nature, and her sweet pup Maddie.

Shannon Hayes

For the past decade Shannon has been studying alternative methods of wellbeing. She has owned a raw food café, coached others in a holistic lifestyle, received her certification in auricular therapy, owned her own practice, and now holds her 200hr RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher). Her desire is to help empower people to take their health into their own hands. Yoga seemed like the next logical step. "Yoga was what I was searching for but never knew it. It has transformed my life on the mat as well as off. I hope to share what I have learned with others so that they too can experience all the transformational benefits yoga has to offer.”

Annie Reber

Annie began studying Kundalini Yoga in 1997. After traveling the world in 2010 she was inspired to start teaching. In 2011 Annie took all that she had learned and brought it to share with the community. Annie has a daily yoga practice and hopes to inspiring others to develop their own daily practice. 

Leah Yandow

Leah began her yoga and meditation journey while in Laramie in 2008. Integrating some of the lasting benefits and having a desire to deepen her practice led her to become a certified yoga instructor (200-hr YTT, 2019). She has a passion for learning and sharing yoga and meditation as a path of healing and living a life of love.

The Practice of Yoga brings us face to face with the extraordinary complexity of our own being.

~ Sri Aurobindo ~

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