Yoga does not just change the way we see things,
it transforms the person who sees.

B.K.S Iyengar

Here at the Lander Yoga collective we have a little something for everyone!


Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (Level 2.5) involves a series of poses performed in the same order each time. It emphasizes linking movement and breath (vinyasa), Ujjayi breathing, and activating bhandas (energy locks). The repetitive sequences and emphasis on breath awareness encourage a meditative focus, helping practitioners cultivate a state of moving meditation. Classes begin with short grounding and breathing exercises before moving into sun salutations to warm up the body. We then practice a standing sequence, a seated sequence, and a closing sequence. We end with extended savasana (corpse pose) to allow the benefits of the practice to filter through the koshas (energetic layers) of our being.

Deep Stretch (All Levels)  Deep release work to free up the body’s capacity for balance in movement. A great supplement to any movement practices that fill a person’s life.

Mat Barre (All Levels) Whether you are new to working out, or looking for a challenge, the barre practice is a great place to start– no matter your age, fitness level, or physical limitations.  Barre targets every area of the body through high intensity low-impact movements. Barre utilizes the body’s smaller, slow-twitch muscle fibers with micro-movements and can incorporate tools such as weights, bands, and balls to add intensity and resistance. Barre flows through movements with a  warm-up and stretch, core strengthening segments, exercises to condition the upper body, thighs, and glutes and ends with a full body stretch. Be prepared for an upbeat playlist, high energy instruction, and a barre muscle shaking good time!

Flow (L2) focuses on synchronizing movement and breath.  Each part of the movement has either an inhale or an exhale. Poses are linked together with movements to create flowing sequences or combinations. Flow yoga emphasizes (usually) slow and deliberate movements. This allows your muscles to relax, while simultaneously releasing built up energy. The benefit to flow yoga is that it has been shown to aid in pain relief, reduce stress, relieve depression, and improve sleep quality. 

Lengthen and Strengthen Yoga (L2) focuses on opening the hips, quads and hamstrings, while also providing poses to strengthen your core and improve your balance. This class combines elements of vinyasa flow and yoga postures at a slow, low-intensity, to work up a sweat and tone your body. 

Yin (All Levels) is the perfect balance to your more intense workouts and our active lifestyles in general. By the use of props, Yin yoga provides rest and recovery for sore muscles, while also gently and safely stretching the tendons, ligaments and connective tissues keeping our joints healthy and moving. By embracing the quiet and stillness of the practice, it may allow for release of long-held emotions and even insights from the body’s own innate wisdom.

Vinyasa Flow (L2) is a dynamic class designed to bring heat and flow to your body.  Vinyasa means "to place in an intentional way."  We will use music, breath, sun salutations, core awareness and seated meditation to support strong + intentional movement.

Kundalini (All Levels) involves movement, dynamic breathing techniques, meditation, the chanting of mantras, and repetitive poses.  The goal is to build physical vitality and increase consciousness.  Its purpose is to activate your Kundalini energy, or shakti. This is a spiritual energy that's said to be located at the base of your spine.

Warm Vinyasa (L 2.5) incorporates Attitude, Alignment, and Action at a temperature of approximately 75 - 80 degrees. At the beginning of class we set an intention and focus on our breath, grounding body and mind into the here and now. We warm the body slowly, taking time to focus on bettering alignment to avoid undue stress or injury before opening into a steady Vinyasa Flow. Class will move at a pace that is comfortable to the group present with modifications and adaptations incorporated for all students. We conclude by honoring the heart, the mind, and the energy that provides stability and joyful freedom. 

Yin to Vin (L 1.5) Yin Yoga paired with Vinyasa Yoga.  The first half of the class, Yin Yoga, is slow paced, gentle, and is a calming and restorative practice. Postures are grounding and are preformed seated or lying down.  Each posture is held longer, 3-5 minutes.  The use of props encourages you to soften and settle, unlocking stiff areas of the body. The second half of the class, Vinyasa Yoga, is an energizing practice (yang), helping you find joy in movement with the breath while finding your rhythm.  This builds strength in all areas of the body. Appropriate for those with some yoga experience and for those who are familiar with most of the basic poses.

ROLLax (All Levels)  Explore the mobility increasing and pain decreasing world of self myofascial massage with massage therapist and yoga teacher Evan Horn. We use various sizes of soft self massage therapy balls to explore different body regions each week and roll away aches and pains, followed by some down regulating breathwork and meditation. Therapy balls are provided, although if you bring your own, class is only $10 (normally $15). 

MoBALLize (All Levels) Stretching and self massage with soft massage therapy balls. More active than the ROLLax class, our goal in MoBALLize is to increase range of motion from a combination of stretching, bodyweight strengthening movements, and Self Myofascial Release rolling. Learn deliberate self massage techniques to help you find and release the issues in your tissues! Therapy balls are provided, or bring your own for $5 off class tuition. 

Power Flow (L2)  Emphasis in this class is on flowing from one pose to the next. Harnessing the power of breath we approach each pose congruently rather than approaching each pose separately. The aim is to create a harmony between poses with our breath. Power flow is focused on building strength and flexibility creating mobility. From time to time going into a hatha style we hold some posses for longer durations. Focusing on a connection with breath and body as we gently press against our edges.

Ventilation Voyages (All Levels) are a chance to explore the landscape of your lungs through a variety of breathing techniques/protocols, breath holds, and postures.  Learn to access the full range of your respiratory system to unlock new levels of mental and physical performance.  Get ready to set sail!

Foundational Yoga (L zero-1) In the class, we will focus on the foundational poses of yoga.  With curiosity in mind, we will explore each pose as we work on finding the proper engagement and alignment for our unique bodies.  This class is geared towards people who are new to yoga or anyone who is looking for a gentle space to listen to and connect with their bodies.

Perfect 3 (All Levels) This class combines the best of three methods: Pilates, Posture therapy and Foundation Training. The combination of these is a “perfect” training for flexion, extension and establishing postural neutral in our bodies. This mat-based class focuses on developing strength, postural ease, balance, breathing and feeling centered in your body.

Circlesinging (All Levels) Participants will experience circlesinging as a vocal playground; songs will be taught largely through the aural traditions of call and response as well as created through vocal improvisation. All singers are welcome.

Level 1  is for people who have has some yoga experience with recently or in the past. Focus is on posture and alignment in poses to deepen practice.

Level 2 is for those who are familiar with most of the basic poses and with instruction can take their practice to a deeper level. Alignment and breath work would be on going.

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